Your partner for social sabbaticals

Manager für Menschen

Do you want to get socially involved?

Are you convinced that sharing your knowledge and experience can have a sustainable impact?
Are you looking for a change in perspective to develop your personal skills?

And at the same time you want to take a break from your daily routine and come back inspired and highly motivated?

Then you have come to the right place!

What we do

Since 2011 we have been recruiting and placing professionals and managers as interim advisors in social projects and enterprises in Africa, Asia and Latin America. We thus offer socially involved and interested people the chance to integrate a ‘social sabbatical’ into their active professional life.

For companies, we design innovative sabbaticals and human resources development programmes.

That way NGO’s and social enterprises have flexible and cost-efficient access to qualified professionals and managers.

Our objective

We want to show, that business and social responsibility belong together.

Our objective is to create intercultural learning and development platforms to facilitate mutual knowledge transfer which results in a valuable experience for everyone involved.

Social involvement worldwide

Our projects

All project partners are approved organizations in the public, private or religious sector or social enterprises.

In most cases we know our project partners personally and have already visited the project site in the country.

We place great value on the fact that projects are initiated by local people and sustainable. We only place an interim advisor if there is a need identified by the project organization itself.

Specific know-how and professional advice are needed in organization, administration, controlling, project management, sales, marketing and production. All placements offer a wide range of possibilities to contribute to joint solutions.

You may apply for a specific project, but we cannot guarantee to place you there, as the final decision is always made by our local partner organization.

Please note:
We don’t do placements in orphanages, as a teacher in schools or in areas unrelated to your competencies.

Manager für Menschen does not send interim advisors to areas affected by war or crisis. In case of sudden dangerous situations in a country Manager für Menschen reserves the right to cancel placements at short notice.

Your first steps

Information on your application

Professionals and managers

Take a break from your daily routine and come back inspired and highly motivated. Get socially involved, share your knowledge and expertise, and at the same time develop your personal skills.

Working as an interim advisor is not only an intercultural and professional challenge; it can also lead to a change in perspective and is a unique experience.

For NGOs

The success and sustainability of your work relies on qualified employees. But some of your projects might need the short term assistance of experts or advisors, who can be hard to find in the local labour market and very often are too expensive.

An interim advisor offers you flexible and cost-efficient access to qualified professionals and managers.

For companies

Our complex business world brings new challenges for human resources management. With a ‘social sabbatical’ you do not only offer your employees the possibility to do good and get socially involved.
Learning and experiencing in foreign countries encourages solution-oriented thinking, refines the international profile of your employees, and enhances the ability to cope with complex and unforeseen situations.

Everything at a glance

Our services

Professionals & Managers

    • Sabbatical coaching
    • Social sabbatical
    • Volunteer work for professionals and managers
    • Intercultural trainings

NGOs & Social enterprises

    • Project evaluation / assessments
    • Short-term placements with a fixed task specification
    • Long-term placements to support the developpment process of projects


    • Innovative sabbatical programmes
    • Human resources development
    • Social sabbatical outplacement
    • Gentle transition from work to retirement

Contact us

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    Contact Details

    Manager für Menschen®

    Phone: +49 170 5577647 (whats app only)